Have you visited my website before? You might be noticing that it looks different this time. That's because I've updated the site with new design, new features, and new content. I hope you like what you see, and easily find the information you are looking for.
If you haven't been to my website before, welcome! Looking for some help with a specific issue? You'll find the problems I specialize in addressed on their own pages of this website. And I'll look forward to hearing from you when you are ready for the kind of help I can provide.
It's likely that I have some good tips for coping with your struggles in my collection of blog posts. It's worth the time to browse the blog and get a reminder or learn something new. Want me to write about something I haven't thought of yet? Send me an email.
Are you on social media? While I can't discuss personal issues in the public forum of Facebook, LinkedIn, and so on, I do often post links to great articles there, and let you know when I've published a new blog. I'd love to have you like my Facebook page or connect with me on LinkedIn. And feel free to share my blog posts to your own social media feeds by using the icons below.
When you see friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors going through a rough time emotionally, I'd appreciate you suggesting they check out this website. Referrals are always welcome, and if I'm not the best counselor for the problem at hand, I can recommend a colleague who is.