A helping hand as you traverse the many facets of life, such as: career changes, going back to school or coping with divorce.
People deal with life transitions differently; some shut down, while others run away from it (it’s that old flight, fight or freeze concept). We are wired to like comfort and stability, especially as we age. Transition clients learn to press pause, gain control of their emotional stress and shift stress and anxiety toward happiness, contentment and creativity. After the shift, clients experience greater ease and can start problem solving and actively moving toward a solution. Other clients welcome transition, especially one that brings joy (wedding, children), and seek help sorting and prioritizing the options in front of them, and making values-based choices.
Transitions are a time to take stock, evaluate and make positive move in your life.
· Personal growth
· Emotional crisis
· Maneuvering career changes
· Going back to school
· Coping with divorce
· Dealing with Medical challenges/diagnosis or disability
· Aging or Supporting aging parents
· Death of a loved one
